Cuban delegation visits DIANMING, discussing new areas of cooperation between China and Cuba

Cuban delegation visits DIANMING, discussing new areas of cooperation between China and Cuba

May 24, 2024
On May 23, 2024,DIANMING warmly welcomed a delegation of 27 officials from the Cuban government, accompanied by leaders of the Shenzhen Electronic Commerce Association for a visit and inspection.Members of the Cuban delegation come from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Communications, Havana Province, as well as higher education institutions and research organizations.

Mr. Wang Yunfeng, Chairman of DIANMING, delivered the welcome speech.He welcomed the friends from Cuba who had come from afar, and mentioned that China and Cuba share common ideals and goals for striving, and have established a deep traditional friendship between the two peoples.At the same time, Cuba is China's main trading partner in the Caribbean region and has become an active practitioner in jointly building the "Belt and Road" Initiative and the Global Development Initiative. The two countries have extensive cooperation in multiple fields.We hope that through this exchange event, we can further deepen the understanding of Chinese companies by our Cuban friends and actively explore business cooperation in relevant fields.

Ms. María, Director of Science and Technology Potential Department at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba and leader of the delegation, expressed her gratitude for the warm and thoughtful reception from Electric Brightness. She also pointed out that China's "Belt and Road" economic policy has provided more opportunities and possibilities for friendly cooperation and development between China and Cuba.

Ms. Xu Huiying, Executive Vice President of the Shenzhen Electronic Commerce Association, mentioned that recently, direct flights between the two countries and visa-free entry for Chinese citizens to Cuba have further promoted extensive cooperation in various fields between the two sides. These two favorable news items will continuously enrich the content of exchanges and provide strong support for the comprehensive and in-depth development of China-Cuban relations.

The relevant person in charge of DIANMING introduced the company's development situation, showcasing the company's 30-year development history, business areas, employee team, overseas branches, and more to the guests. Currently,DIANMING's business covers more than 60 countries and regions worldwide, and is continually expanding.

When visiting the DIANMING showroom, colleagues from the international department presented in Spanish the technical features of DIANMING in smart transportation displays (VMS) and green lighting solutions, as well as the achievements in domestic and international projects. The Cuban delegation showed keen interest in this and expressed that our products' advantages in energy efficiency and environmental protection align with market demands, indicating significant potential for cooperation in Cuba.

During the exchange session, DIANMING and the guests engaged in deep interactions, particularly discussing topics of cooperation related to infrastructure, new energy, and technology innovation and talent development required for sustainable development, which were of interest to the Cuban delegation. The Cuban representatives expressed their keen desire to collaborate with technology-innovative enterprises like DIANMING.

We believe that the friendship between China and Cuba will continue to strengthen, and in the future, DIANMING will engage in more exchanges and cooperation with Cuba. This visit and discussion is a great beginning, and a significant opportunity for building friendship and for DIANMING to enter the Cuban market.

Attached: Members of the visiting delegation:

María Luisa Zamora Rodríguez

Yorexis González Alfaro

Hireily Santana González

Yoandy Lazo Alvarado

Osleidys Torres Valdespino

YanlisRodríguez Veiguela

Leudis Orlando Vega de la Cruz

Yulieska Ortega Cambara

Elizabeth Prieto Pérez

Yelaine Muñoz Estrada

Aniuska Aranda González

Dayma Margarita Clavo Basulto

Lenna María Crespo Díaz

Diana Milagros Martiatu Colomé

Marleny Yanet Cruz Gibert

Yaroslav Borrego Morejón

Yalepsy Rubio Delgado

Liliana Cortés Suárez

Yohandry Manzano Castillo

Elisa García González

Ariel Racet Valdés

Sairis Fabregas Torres

Juan CarlosHernández Rodríguez

Hansel Martínez Murillo

Maite Cabrera Gámez

Omar Stainer Rivera Carbó

Ernesto Roja Sera
Cuban delegation visits DIANMING, discussing new areas of cooperation between China and Cuba

Cuban delegation visits DIANMING, discussing new areas of cooperation between China and Cuba

Cuban delegation visits DIANMING, discussing new areas of cooperation between China and Cuba

May 24, 2024
On May 23, 2024,DIANMING warmly welcomed a delegation of 27 officials from the Cuban government, accompanied by leaders of the Shenzhen Electronic Commerce Association for a visit and inspection.Members of the Cuban delegation come from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Communications, Havana Province, as well as higher education institutions and research organizations.

Mr. Wang Yunfeng, Chairman of DIANMING, delivered the welcome speech.He welcomed the friends from Cuba who had come from afar, and mentioned that China and Cuba share common ideals and goals for striving, and have established a deep traditional friendship between the two peoples.At the same time, Cuba is China's main trading partner in the Caribbean region and has become an active practitioner in jointly building the "Belt and Road" Initiative and the Global Development Initiative. The two countries have extensive cooperation in multiple fields.We hope that through this exchange event, we can further deepen the understanding of Chinese companies by our Cuban friends and actively explore business cooperation in relevant fields.

Ms. María, Director of Science and Technology Potential Department at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba and leader of the delegation, expressed her gratitude for the warm and thoughtful reception from Electric Brightness. She also pointed out that China's "Belt and Road" economic policy has provided more opportunities and possibilities for friendly cooperation and development between China and Cuba.

Ms. Xu Huiying, Executive Vice President of the Shenzhen Electronic Commerce Association, mentioned that recently, direct flights between the two countries and visa-free entry for Chinese citizens to Cuba have further promoted extensive cooperation in various fields between the two sides. These two favorable news items will continuously enrich the content of exchanges and provide strong support for the comprehensive and in-depth development of China-Cuban relations.

The relevant person in charge of DIANMING introduced the company's development situation, showcasing the company's 30-year development history, business areas, employee team, overseas branches, and more to the guests. Currently,DIANMING's business covers more than 60 countries and regions worldwide, and is continually expanding.

When visiting the DIANMING showroom, colleagues from the international department presented in Spanish the technical features of DIANMING in smart transportation displays (VMS) and green lighting solutions, as well as the achievements in domestic and international projects. The Cuban delegation showed keen interest in this and expressed that our products' advantages in energy efficiency and environmental protection align with market demands, indicating significant potential for cooperation in Cuba.

During the exchange session, DIANMING and the guests engaged in deep interactions, particularly discussing topics of cooperation related to infrastructure, new energy, and technology innovation and talent development required for sustainable development, which were of interest to the Cuban delegation. The Cuban representatives expressed their keen desire to collaborate with technology-innovative enterprises like DIANMING.

We believe that the friendship between China and Cuba will continue to strengthen, and in the future, DIANMING will engage in more exchanges and cooperation with Cuba. This visit and discussion is a great beginning, and a significant opportunity for building friendship and for DIANMING to enter the Cuban market.

Attached: Members of the visiting delegation:

María Luisa Zamora Rodríguez

Yorexis González Alfaro

Hireily Santana González

Yoandy Lazo Alvarado

Osleidys Torres Valdespino

YanlisRodríguez Veiguela

Leudis Orlando Vega de la Cruz

Yulieska Ortega Cambara

Elizabeth Prieto Pérez

Yelaine Muñoz Estrada

Aniuska Aranda González

Dayma Margarita Clavo Basulto

Lenna María Crespo Díaz

Diana Milagros Martiatu Colomé

Marleny Yanet Cruz Gibert

Yaroslav Borrego Morejón

Yalepsy Rubio Delgado

Liliana Cortés Suárez

Yohandry Manzano Castillo

Elisa García González

Ariel Racet Valdés

Sairis Fabregas Torres

Juan CarlosHernández Rodríguez

Hansel Martínez Murillo

Maite Cabrera Gámez

Omar Stainer Rivera Carbó

Ernesto Roja Sera
